New in SimpleCrew: Public Share Link

written by

Alan VanToai

posted on

October 23, 2012

written by

Alan VanToai

posted on

October 23, 2012
I pictue to visualize the idea of sharing something

Today we’re proud to announce a handy new feature that you’re going to love: the public share link.

For those of you that are working on projects or campaigns that you need to share with clients or other people outside your team, this one’s for you.

Now, instead of having to add people to your team and then adding them to campaigns, you can simply grab the link and send it to them.

This is perfect for reporting projects to external clients or parties. They’re going to love it. And next time you speak with a new prospective client or lead, imagine the “wow” they’ll feel the first time you show them one of your recent SimpleCrew campaigns.

It’s going to knock their socks off.

By default, all the new campaigns you make will be private. You can make them share-able by clicking the “share” button, and the link will appear.

SimpleCrew keeps getting better, and there’s plenty more where this came from. If you haven’t yet, start your trial now at The first 30 days are on the house.

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Alan VanToai

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